来場事前登録 | Registration

インターナショナルジョブフェア 来場事前登録
名/Given Name  *
氏/Family Name  *
メールアドレス/Email  *
企業・学校・団体名/Organization  *
出身地/Where are you from?  *
出身国/Your country  *
現在の状況は?/Your current status  *
来場目的/Purpose  *
学歴/Your background ※就職目的の方はお答えください/Please answer if you are looking for a job.
専攻分野/Your field of study ※就職目的の方はお答えください/Please answer if you are looking for a job.
希望VISA/Status of residence you want to have ※就職目的の方はお答えください/Please answer if you are looking for a job. 複数回答可/You may select multiple answers.
希望職種/Type of occupation you are looking for. ※就職目的の方はお答えください/Please answer if you are looking for a job. 複数回答可/You may select multiple answers
日本語能力レベル/Japanese skill(JLPT) ※就職目的の方はお答えください/Please answer if you are looking for a job.
このイベントをどうやって知りましたか?/How did you know about this expo? ★下の欄に社名等をご記入ください/Please write the name below  *
★紹介団体・企業の名前/Name of company or association
ご出展に興味がありますか?/Are you interested in being an exhibitor?
Privacy Policy/プライバシーポリシー  *
Please read the Privacy Policy below and confirm.